Strong presence on Trade Fairs for BS BATTERY in 2024!
From Medellin’s bustling streets to Tokyo’s vibrant markets, BS Battery has traversed continents, leaving its mark on the industry. Our journey began in January with Le Mans Corporation NVP event in the United States, setting the tone for a year filled with opportunities for growth and collaboration.

MARCH 2024

March saw us spreading our solutions further, with noteworthy appearances at key events such as the Salon du 2 Roues in France alongside Bihr and other partners (complete video here), the Motorcycle Exhibition in Turkey with Limit Parts, and the Tokyo Motorcycle Show in Japan, accompanied by our distributor Marunaka. These engagements reinforced our commitment to our partners and served as platforms for knowledge exchange and interaction with dealers and prospects.

APRIL 2024

In April, BS Battery continued on this path and participated jointly with Bike Alert Hellas in the Athens Motorcycle Show in Greece and the Expomotos in Portugal with Lusomotos. These events provided fruitful ground for us to showcase our latest offerings, engage with customers, and forge new partnerships.

MAY 2024
May has been no exception, with BS Battery making waves with its own identity at the Feria de las 2 Ruedas in Colombia (complete video here).